My Presentation in “English Reading I” Class

(Good morning, everyone. Today our topic is about SARS. It was one of the most serious disasters in the 21st century, which caused nearly 8500 people infected including more than 800 deaths. In this presentation, we’re going to cover the following subtitles.)

1. What’s SARS?
2. Where does SARS come from?
3. What’s the symptom of SARS?
4. How does SARS spread?
5. What bad effects does SARS bring?
6. How do we protect SARS?
7. What can we learn from SARS?
(First, we will give you a brief introduction of SARS: What’s SARS? Second, we are going to talk about some issues about SARS, such as the origin of SARS, the symptom of SARS and so on. Finally a conclusion about what we should learn from SARS will be given.)

1. What’s SARS?
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(1. What’s SARS? SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome among which Respiratory means the processes by which an organism supplies its cells and tissues with the oxygen needed for metabolism and relieves them of the carbon dioxide formed in energy-producing reactions. And Syndrome means a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality. So the definition of SARS is an acute respiratory illness caused by infection with the SARS virus.)

2. Where does SARS come from?
果子狸(Guo Zi Li)
(2. Where does SARS come from? After many experiments, experts tell us that the virus comes from a kind of wild animal called果子狸. 果子狸is the SARS virus carrier, which means if someone eats this kind of animal, it’s a high chance that he or she would be infected.)

3. What’s the symptom of SARS?
high fever, head ache, muscle pain, rigors.
(3. What’s the symptom of SARS? The most common symptom is a fever with a body temperature of more than 38.0°C. Other symptoms include head ache, muscle pain and rigors.)

4. How does SARS spread?
(4. How does SARS spread? SARS spreads through air. So even if you talk with some one with a distance of 5 meters, you still risk the danger of being infected. And this way of spreading makes SARS extremely hard to be protected.)

the first case of SARS– the opening of Pandora’s box
(Now I want to add some information about the first case of SARS.)

Guangdong Province November 16 2002 黄杏初 (Huang Xinchu) a cook
( It appeared in the Guangdong Province, South China on November 16, 2002. A cook named Huang Xinchu (黄杏初) was sent to hospital due to high fever and difficulty in breathing. At that time, no one realized he was infected by SARS. Docters just treated him in a common way.)

the spread of SARS—the chain reaction
(Because of the high infection, the number of people infected grew in a chain-reaction manner. Here’re some diagrams showing the distribution in China. If you pay attention to the numbers, you can see that most of the patients gathered in Guangdong province which was the original place of SARS and the capital city Beijing where many patients went for treatment.)

5. What bad effects does SARS bring?
(5. What bad effects does SARS bring? SARS is remarked by its high infectiveness and fatalness. Look at the pictures.)

(The virus itself is horrible but people’s feeling of getting infected is more destructive. In order to avoid getting infected, we reduced the social activities. Offices and schools were the only public places we stayed. At most of the time we just hid ourselves in rooms. And we contacted our friends and relatives by telephone or email instead of communicating face to face. Whenever we went outside, we took masks. Many shops and bars closed. We really suffered during that time.
And that’s not the whole story. At that time if someone’s body temperature was more than 38oC, he would be forced to hospital, separated in a special room and watched over for at least 7 days until doctors made sure he was not infected. You can imagine how long the 7 days would be for some one to live alone under the high pressure in that difficult situation. And even if there was only one person suspected to be infected, then all the people around him including family members, workmates and friends should go to hospital and get examined. Luckily we were fortunate enough to escape from that kind of experience. So, to some extent, we are luck guys. Anyway it was really a nightmare. We still remember the terrible days with those depressed sceneries and horrible feelings as if they were yesterday.)

6. How do we protect SARS?
(Since SARS is a kind of new virus and no drugs can cure it effectively, how to protect is very important. Here’re some suggestions.)

1. Keep yourself in good condition.
(First keep yourself in good condition. As we know our immunity systems are the strongest weapons to fight with the outer viruses. And people with a good health have a much lower chance to get infected. You know even small illnesses such as cold can raise your chance of getting infected a lot. So experts told us to take some exercise, drink more water and live a regular life.)

2. Keep yourself in good mood.
(Second, keep yourself in good mood. A lot of scientific research shows that there’s some relationship between our health and our mood. Having an optimistic attitude can definitely strengthen our immunity system. However terrible the current situation seems to be, as experts tell us, we should be relax, calm down and try to be glad.)

3. Don’t go to public places if unnecessary.
(Third do dot go to public places if unnecessary. SARS virus spread through air. The more crowed a group is, the higher possibility to get infected if some one in the group is be the virus carrier.)

4. Keep the window open.
(Four, keep the window open. It can increase the flow rate of air and therefore, decrease the concentration of virus which will benefit us a lot. )

5. kim chi
(One of my Korean friends told me that eating kim chi could keep ourselves from SARS. Frankly speaking I don’t know whether it’s true or not. Anyway, just let me mention it here. Personally I like kim chi very much.

7. What can we learn from SARS?
(SARS is a great disaster to our human beings. It brings us a lot of pains, sadness and unfortunates. Besides these negative aspects, there’re some other things we should remember. First we should honor the doctors and nurses who joined in the fighting with SARS bravely. They poured all themselves to help the patients against SARS even though they knew clearly that they could get affected and even die at anytime. Those who devoted their lives during the treatment should be curved in our minds forever.)

(The second thing we learn from SARS is that when disaster comes we are never alone. During that period of time we and our parents, relatives, friends, classmates, even strangers together helped each other. We gave more concerns to other people around. When some emergency appeared, we all took part in and solved it together. Through this the relationship between people was strengthened a lot.)

(I think the most important thing is that we should treat nature friendly and respectfully. Now we all know SARS broke out after we ate果子狸. We eat wild animals to satisfy our own desire regardless of the natural rules. If we don’t treat nature friendly, neither will the nature. So it’s not surprising to be punished as a violator. In my opinion, although SARS is a terrible disaster, it is also a good case the nature gives us which drives us to think further about the relationship between human and nature.)

Thank you!
(Thank you for your attention. Are there any question?)

* Wei Mingqing
* Shen Xin

—— 2006.6.16
Korea University Woo Dang Hall