

PRP在今天的答辩后结束了,杨明老师发邮件来恭喜我们通过了答辩,也算是对整个项目的一种安慰。说实话,总的来说这个项目做的还是挺失败的,没有达到预期的设想,这其中有各方面的原因,对于选择VB作为开发工具,我至今还表示质疑,事实上从去年11月做出雏形后到现在,整个程序就几乎处在停滞不前的状态,这其中很大的原因在于VB 6.0不支持面向对象,导致整个程序向深一步发展相当困难。当初的初衷是好的,只可惜事与愿违。当然,失败的原因还在于我今天上台陈述时的重点有所偏差,由于从前几组的答辩情况看,评审老师的喜好与我事先的构想有所出入,导致临时调整了一下演讲的思路重点,结果导致了一定程度的混乱,还是经验不足的缘故,希望以后还有机会能够锻炼一下。稍感欣慰的是上台做presentation的时候重的来说发挥的还是挺松弛的,除了少数部分有些许卡壳。原本以为会很紧张的,现在看来在实际的场面下自己还是会不自觉地调整好心态。




Shanghai ranks 20th!?

Couple months ago, I read a piece of news on newspaper which shows that Beijing ranks 14th while Shanghai 20th in the world’s living cost ranking. To be honest, I was really shocked at this ranking cause I could not understand how it could turn out. In the list, there’s a familiar city caught my eye, which is Seoul, where I still was a few days ago, ranking 2nd. I could admit that the price there is high, but it’s still not higher than many western cities and some Japanese cities like Tokyo as well. And if Shanghai really ranks 20th, I have no idea that how many natives could survive in this city.

It doesn’t mean that Chinese people are all poor. On the contrary, I do think that we Chinese lead a good life these days. In my opinion, the standard judging whether people are rich or poor should stand on the life quality they own. In this term, I found Shanghai nothing different from Seoul since people in Shanghai could have the same quality of life compared to those in Seoul. To some extent, Chinese people nowadays are not poor at all.

But one problem is that when we are abroad, we will feel that we are “poor” cause the price level in foreign cities is usually higher than we could afford. We come to realize that when our money is exchanged to that foreign local money, the same value could not afford the same amount of stuffs as they are in China. In other words, our money becomes less after exchanged. According to the “Principle of Economics” written by Markiw, the exchange rate should satisfy that money remains its same value no matter how many times it is exchanged. The idea may be a little ideal, but it points out the key. I have to say that the exchange rate of RMB is too low which makes us “poor” when we are abroad. One strange issue is that some famous foreign products’ prices are almost the same at their countries as well as in China, which may conflict the idea I mentioned above. But I think this might because the price in China does depend on the exchange rate and the original price in its home countries. So if we change the exchange rate, the price in China will relatively change higher or lower to adapt, therefore the price is always the same around the world. I know that low exchange rate might stimulate the foreign investment so that it could benefit our economics a lot. But if this situation still doesn’t change, we Chinese people will always be “poor” if we go to foreign countries.

项目结束,开始休假 ^-^




可以说昨天的presentation真是大不一般。见识了cs的大牛csk同学的“EZ UML”软件,不得不说真的是大牛啊,牛的不行了,牛得我们都自卑了,和他的做的软件比起来,真的感觉我们做的只是玩具-,-# 真的是太牛了,说“牛”一千遍也不过分,我对他的崇拜之情犹如滔滔江水。。。(以下省去赞美之辞1000字)。当第三组的他抛出这个惊人的成果时,还未开始的我们快要崩溃了。。。幸好牛人没有扎堆在我们前面讲,不然真的不活了。。。




