Left vs Right Brain: Test for creativity or logic

It is the test of the Right brain with the Left brain, and it’s time to concentrate, not on the lady, but her movement, that’s gonna decide the rest. If you see her moving clockwise, then you’re using the creative side of your brain, that is the Right. Whereas, if you see her move anti-clockwise, then you’re using the logical part of your brain, that is the Left.

My impression of the dancer is that it is moving clockwise while some others think as anti-clockwise. No idea how it happens…

Update: (2008-03-27)

It turns out that if the lady moves very slowly, I could treat it’s moving anti-clockwise (Thanks to my poor network speed)… But in normal case, still can’t I…

Update 2: (2008-03-28)

Finally I got it as both clockwise and anti-clockwise! The trick of this problem is how you treat its upper foot as in front of / behind its lower foot when it turns to you, which seems very interestring.

Update 2: (2008-04-01)

Add a GIF to explain this issue: