Now I’m at Home

After the final struggle on 21st, June, I am now at home. When looking back to the unforgettable experience in Seoul, I found it really fantastic. As I said, it is always hard to say goodbye, but there hasn’t been any time more difficult than this one. First time abroad, first time meeting with so many foreign students, now it’s all over. I came back with packages over 40kg. Only God knows how I could manage it back home. Anyway, in China I could fulfill the dream when I was in Korea that one watermelon in right hand and one in left while eating the third one. ^^ Thanks all my friends in Korea, all you guys made my life in Korea colorful. Now it’s time to start another new life in China.

Now I’m at Home》有0个想法

  1. 头像AppleMr-A-

    Hi Wei.

    It was sure to make your acquaintance here in Korea. I did not have time to say this in the phone, but when ever you feel like taking a tour in Finland, let me be your guide and accommodation. You have left a deep mark in my heart as a caring and a warm friend.

    Yours Truly:

    – Lasse

  2. 头像weimingqing

    Thank you, Lasse.
    It’s so warm to read these words from you. You are one of my best friends in Korea and I’m looking forward to the future tour in Finland if possible. What’s more, if you have time, I strongly recommend you to visit Shanghai and other parts of China as well. ^^ Hope it won’t be a long time to see you again.

    Yours sincerely:
    Wei Mingqing

  3. 头像Delfine

    Hi Wei ^^

    I found your space while surfing on Ping one …
    And I am quite happy to find it !
    I am sorry cause I didnt have time to say you good bye …
    I just want you to know that I really appreciated meetin you in Korean class … thanks for your help when I was feeling useless !!
    You were a very nice “chinese guy” and very funny ^^
    Feel free to visit me (and also Julien) in France, it will be a pleasure to let you discover my country.
    Have a nice time in China, stay as you are and good luck for your future.



  4. 头像weimingqing

    To 私の幸福乐园:
    我是坐靠窗位置的 呵呵~~可以很清晰地靠到飞机在蓝天中翱翔哦~~行李貌似肯定是超重的 不过被我机智地蒙混过关了^^

    To Luke:
    还没从40公斤的行李搬运行动中缓过劲来呢 -_-!!!

    To Not just a memory:
    중국에서 watermelon한게는 천원이에요~~