Life in Korea

On the begin of this week, I went to Yongsan Electronics Market to buy a digital camera. Yongsan is said one of the bigest electronics market in Asia, and you can find almost all kinds of products there. Prices are usually 20% lower than the normal sale price, but if a foreigner go there without a Korean friend, he or she will probably be faked by the seller. Fortunitely, I went there with a list of some details of Sony DSC-T9 which my Korean friend gave me and finally chose it at about 2600 RMB. Now I can use it to take pictures as I like and record my life here.

Then on March 2nd, the new semester began. I choose 6 courseswith 16 credits. Although the lectures are taught in English, professors’ poor pronunciation and many unfamiliar words also brought me lots of troubles. So I think it’s better to learn it myself as I did in SJTU, but much more hardworking should be done. The textbooks are too expensive here, but with regard to the high price of everything in Korea, it doesn’t seem to be largely beyond my expectation. I had to relieve myself that the high price maybe become strong impetus to my study.

This Friday I took a cheering orientation organized by KUBA(Korea University Buddy Association). Korea’s cheering is some kind of collective singing and dancing. We put our hands to the shoulders of our buddies and make a big circle to sing and dance. The enthusiastic performance influenced everyone present excited and finally bring the atomsphere crazy all around of stadium. No wonder that Korean football team can defeat many world-famous teams in such a surrounding. On the other hand, these kind of events also make Korean people intimate like one family and establish the respectable spirit of their race, I think.

#韩国 #首尔 #高丽大学

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